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Our Program


Create an atmosphere of enjoyment where adversity and challenges are met, while building friendships that last a lifetime.



Compete with relentless effort, outstanding character, toughness and a passion for the game. Our hope, is to positively impact the players in our program both on and off the court.


Effort - A vigorous or determined attempt/bringing unmistakable focus and energy to the task. 

Attitude -  A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. Be Positive.

Toughness - The ability to deal with hardship or to cope in difficult situations.  

Trust - A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.


Embrace the Journey

When you're enjoying what you do, you don't mind the adversity, the tough times, the challenges.

Program Standards:

Be a great teammate

Hard Working



Style of Play:

Fast ~ Defend ~ Fun


Why We Exist:

To positively impact the players in our program both on and off the court.


How We Accomplish This:

We teach and share information with our players on leadership and mental toughness throughout the year.

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